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Recession and Making Money Online Scenario


Recession has cost millions to lose their jobs. But its effect on online business is not same as that on offline. Many affiliates have actually seen boost in their income as many people have lost their jobs and looking for online opportunities to earn money. Although this means a lot of business in "making money online" opportunities, but at the same time it also means you have to convince your customer more to spend his/her money. So that also means who will give high quality product at lowest price will win the heart of customer. Although money making niche has become hot but same cannot be said about other niches as people facing the recession won't go on blind online shopping(they may become ultra skeptical devices). But making money online is their need so "make money online" niche will remain hot. Even though recession has boost certain areas of making money online but this makes the rules of the internet marketing game even tougher. There are already enough pro in marketing jungle so if you are newbie it may be 4 times more difficult to enter internet marketing in recession(I am not demoralizing you, just telling the truth).

Another question which arise is with huge number of people turning to online marketing will it saturate the market. The answer is not very motivating but the answer will remains the same “95% of people will still fail to make any money online”. I didn’t said these words to demoralize anyone but human nature never changes. A lot of people even after losing jobs will still be searching for "quick millionaire scheme” and live in their dream world. But if you are someone serious then you can put yourself in 5% who are making serious money online even during recession.

Blogger - How to Backup Your Blog Posts and Comments


The first thing that comes to any pro mind running his/her business online or offline is "Back Up". In case of blog you need to take backup frequently as content is added regularly. Imagine losing your blog when it has 1000 posts, that would be disaster right. Backup is very important for blogger yet majority ignore it completely. But anyways you should never forget to backup your blog regularly. Taking backup of your posts and comments is very simple in case of blogger.

Just click settings after you log into blogger. Then under basic tab, look at the "blog tools". Its has two three option, import blog, export blog and delete blog. Their functions are quite obvious. Just click on "export blog" and you are done. So simple right, but most of the bloggers take blogger service for guaranteed. Google is a big company, if one day they take down your blog, they may not even reply to your email. They haven't spared even big websites like "squidoo".

Top 5 freelancing websites


Here's the list of my favorite freelancing websites. If you are a freelancer then you will surely get work here and if you are looking for outsourcing then you will surely someone to do your work. All the freelancing websites work in the same way you register and then:

if you are freelancer then look at the existing projects i.e jobs

if you are looking for someone to complete your project then just post it ( process is a bit similar to offline jobs recruitment) . Anyways here's the list of Top 5 freelancing websites.











Check your website worth ....


There are several websites nowadays which will tell you the value of your website in dollars. They basically calculate things like backlinks etc. But don't start jumping if it gives the value of your website in thousands of dollars. That doesn't mean you can yell at ebay 'buy my website for 10000$ only" . The reason is simple there are more sellers in domain market than buyers. But anyway its fun way to brag about your website value.


Opinion Square (USA only)


Another great survey website with big clients. The only downfall is they allow members from U.S.A only, but anyway if you are from U.S.A you must join it. It is nationally recognized on the internet. Most of the surveys are market research and you know what it means for companies. Opinion square data is used by the largest Internet services companies and is used in scoring in fortune 500 companies.

You have to answer simple question like household internet usage and load their software on sign up. Membership like other GPT websites on my blog is completely free(I don't know why I keep on telling this). You can win reward points and enter into sweepstakes. You also have a chance to win 100,000$ cash. So what are waiting for, sign up as fast as you can, as they may close their door for membership soon(there are already millions members for opinion square) and I guess you don't want to loose this opportunity specially when its free.

Click on opinion square to sign up:
Opinion Square

Ipsos Surveys (U.S.A and U.k Only)


Ipsos is one of the most renowned survey company with big brands. It accepts members only from U.K and U.SA. Membership is completely free. A member can earn rewards such as cash prizes ,giveaways and gift card. The surveys you will get will be from big companies, so you can imagine what you will get in return for completing surveys.
The person must be 18 and older to register in the U.S.A and 16 and older to register in U.K. Even if you know a very little about marketing you can tell yourself how important are your opinions for these big companies. Ipsos will be accepting a limited number of members so act now( I don’t think you need extra time to think, registration is completely free).

Ok anyway here’s the Link (please don’t try to cheat the system join only if you are from USA and Uk. Anyways the site won’t open if you are outside of U.K or U.S.A.)

Top 5 Ways to get Quick Laser Targeted Guaranteed Traffic


There are several times in our online life when we just need traffic at any cost. By any cost I mean "any cost". So if you are willing to spend money there is no problem at all to geting traffic. Ok without further wasting the time here are the methods to get million of visitors (depends on your budget):

1. PPC (paid per click) adverting : This is one of the most effective way to get traffic. But even with ppc highly targeted promised traffic you have to work carefully for example if you are selling some kind of product you don't want the freebie seekers to click on your ads. But anyway this is very effective method to get lot of traffic if you have money in your pocket. Google adwords and yahoo search marketing are the biggest player in the game.

2. Banner advertising : Getting your banner ads on other websites is also very effective. Your budget depends upon the website you want to put your ad. For example if you want your ad on gamespot you can get thousands of visitor and at the same time you can imagine the advertising cost.

3. Manual Article submitters: I am not talking about some auto submit software. I am talking about manual article submitters who will submit your articles to hundreds of article directories article directories for a cost. The number of article directories they will submit your articles depends upon the amount of money you are ready to spend.

4.Buy high pr links : There are website who will put your link on their high pr websites for a cost which will effect your pr. Also you will get visitors at the same time. This will overall effect your website ranking and search engine placement.

5. Hire some seo expert : Now the most easiest method, just hire some seo expert. They can be really expensive. But the problem is not that they are expensive or not but there are lot of blackhat seo who will give your website temporary boost get your money and then
boom ,suddenly few days after payment your website vanishes from search engine and Goggle declares you "Best spammer of the month".

Inside the Freelancing Industry


Freelancing is like being your own boss. Get clients, do work and get paid for it. Freelancing industry is hot now. If you have talents like graphic designing, copywriting etc. then you can get paid for it . We will look at the freelancing form two perspective freelancer and client.

Client side

There are lot of people who are not good in technical knowledge for example someone who is not good with graphics, you can make graphics for him and get paid for that, everything happens online. But the major reason for freelancing is outsourcing. For example a person in U.S.A may get freelancer to work for him at quite low price compared to U.S.A. Now with the boom in affiliate marketing a lot of people outsource their work like sales copy, scripts etc to save money and time.


If you are good with website designing, article marketing etc. then you can provide your service online for a price . You can negotiate price with your client.

How Freelancing Websites works :

Most of the freelancing websites have bid system. The people will post their project and then you can grab the project and communicate with person for price or other details.

Freelancing websites are not the only way to outsource work or getting work. You may also use some forums to work or provide your services. Just read the guidelines to post in forums.

Why Getting referrals is tough job ?


Referrals the backbone of "Get paid to" programs.(don't confuse it with affiliate business) Without referrals it will take months to reach your payout. The process looks very easy "join ,get the referral link and promote it" ,by the end of day you can buy an expensive gift for your girlfriend but getting referrals is not that easy. Its not that 123 system.

"Somebody using me"

The problem with promoting referrals links is that many newbie’s think that registering under your referral link will affect their earnings. So I want to crack it down for newbie’s: "when you sign under someone referral link the person under which you are registering may get advantage like some sort of bonus but that doesn't affect your earning. So in short whether you sign up under someone or sign up with no referral link , there will be no effect on your earnings. I think if someone suggested you some GPT program or some “money making opportunity” it is wise and a way of saying thanks to sign up under his/her affiliate link.

Selfish world

Now the problem in getting referrals is not only these newbie’s but also there are people who just don't want to give you anything even for free and have ego problem "signing under someone nah that's not the sign of Alpha male or Supermodel”(that’s what they usually think). There is nothing you can do to avoid it . Somewhat similar situation is faced in affiliate marketing (affiliate tier system). The only thing you can do is start praying that your referral links won't be clicked by these type of people. So there is no need to scream “I am telling these people ways to make money and only thing I ask them to do is sign under me but why why whyyyyyy this is happening , I hate this world”. Actually you can scream because nobody going to listen.

Which blogging service is better ?


There are two names pops in anyone mind when somebody says “Blogging”.

Blogger and Wordpress

Actually it’s quite wrong to say one is better than other. Both have their fan base, you will hear both screams "blogger sucks" ,"wordpress sucks" in blogosphere. But the truth is both are excellent tools for blogging . Now without any further ado I will point the main advantages of these blogging tools:

Blogger :

Blogger is more targeted towards newbie’s with very little exposure of blogging or internet. You just sign up, add couple of posts, add gadgets and you are done. Its interference is quite simple. There is no headache of installing gadgets , scripts ,templates etc. Everything is done with one click.

Wordpress :

Wordpress is mainly targeted towards people with some or complete understanding of blogging. You have to install scripts to your server and then you can start blogging. You have to install scripts, templates etc. It can be difficult for a person who just started blogging or is going for his/her first post. But nowadays most of the hosting services has "Fantastico" which makes installation of wordpress a “kid task” . Even then you are new to the world of blogging I would recommend you to go for Blogger.