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How Survey websites works?


You always come across conclusions like "60% women prefer guys with this/that ? . How do you think such conclusions are made. People like you fill up the surveys and then results are calculated and conclusion is drawn. Some surveys are basics and some are specific like "what features people want in credit card" Now this may not look much valuable to you but think about the credit card companies .This little conclusion can make them million of dollars .

Now you must have got an idea why these companies pay hundreds of dollars just for filing surveys. They may be earning million of dollars while spending thousand dollars in surveys . But I always find difficulty in finding legitimate survey websites as many just make you fill up surveys and never pays you .There work is done as you filled the surveys but anyways surveys is one of the best way to make money online but the amount of money also varies from country to country for example company located in U.S.A may not be interested in what people in canada think about their product.

Actually companies are paying you much less than your filling of survey deserves.


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