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Promoting Local Blog


So do you have local blog ? By that I mean targeted at particular region covering news or events in your cities for which you want local traffic. You have to go through different approach in case of the local blogs. Here are some methods to promote your local blog effectively.

  • Facebook ,myspace : Many social networking websites nowadays provide inbuilt blogging tools to blog so you didn't need to sign up for services like blogger etc. Social networking websites are great because you know you can keep in touch with people 24/7 and alert them whenever you post about local event.

  • Local Newspaper or magazine can also work great for getting local traffic.

  • Paid per click advertising works great for getting highly targeted traffic. For local blog it is extremely effective but you have to extra careful with keywords because any visitor out of local region may be completely useless for you.
  • Classified ads : many classified ads have option to target the particular region .Also look out for directories too.


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