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How to backup your blog comments and posts


Sometimes when busy in blogging , seo optimization and other stuff we forget to do the most basic and most important thing backup , the most basic thing which should be at high priority when doing anything on this plastic box(PC). So pro bloggers must be already doing it (If not then please don’t call yourself pro blogger ) . So here I come up with the basic tutorial to backup your posts ,comments etc. 

OK now the tutorial ----

First go to “setting tab”and then to “basic sub tab” . Now in “Blog Tools” you have choice to export blog or import or permanently delete it (You may want to delete it if you are blogging too much and broke up with your girlfriend or boyfriend because of it , Damm #@%@// blogging)

Just press export blog to take backup and relax .

How to loose everything online ?


Hmm , looks ironic when the whole world is facing recession and everybody want to make money online why anybody want to loose everything online . But I want to give the warning all the methods mentioned here will work and you will literally loose everything online , so don’t take them seriously and have fun with life .And I am not responsible for anything you do with this . I want to tell you again take it as a joke and don’t make joke of yourself . Ok now lets talk about the methods through which you can reach your ultimate goal “To loose everything online “(this doesn’t include your girlfriend/boyfriend ,husband/wife etc . In today’s world where love is in the air in excess ,you will automatically loose them without any effort , so we will concentrate on loosing non-living things. Ready to get ripped off!!!!!!!!!!

SUPER TIP: If you just reverse the methods (don’t reverse every method use your own common sense) you may learn a lot.

• The first thing you should do , starts from your credit card .Try to get your hand on credit card which has very high interest rate and other hidden fees . Please check that there are enough hidden fees . Just make sure they will completely rip you off.
Just think about those million happy people around the world who are in debt because of this little card . Now you have to make sure that you also become one of them. You should target about 30% ,that means you have to make sure that you will loose at least 30% of your finances.

Offline Super Tip: Although I want to include only online method but I want to include my favorite offline method .For this you have to look for Gold diggers (Definition: They are creatures male/female found on planet earth who look for only bank balance of their partners ,most of them are very handsome man or beautiful and sexy women .Now a days they are found in plenty) . Just become their boyfriend or girlfriend .Rest will happen automatically . You will loose about 60% of you finance because they are programmed to leave their partner after that .

• Ok this one include paypal .Hope you have heard about this service ,they are like “online bank” .Your money transactions will be through email .For example you can send somebody 100$ online though email.
Ok now about the method .I call it “super wise method” (you will understand soon why such fancy name ) . For this you have to become most wise person in world . What you have to do is declare online that you are giving away money free (you can use various advertising methods for ths) . Also another best way is to hold a contest asking questions like “ Who is Paris Hilton ?”(I know this one is tough question but you can ask simple questions ) and give them 1000$ as prize no matter what they answer . You can collect their email addresses for this ( But don’t spam) .

• Now our third method includes most famous service EBAY . You can easily find things which cost 1000$ dollars but are worth 10$ .You want to grab them before anybody else grab them ( always keep in mind you are there to loose everything.)

• Now another method which I want I want to tell also includes ebay . One thing we forget to loose is house and furniture ,what’s the better place to loose them than ebay . Sell your house and furniture for about 100$ (you can’t give them for free as people may think it’s a scam ,you don’t want to loose customers who will help you to rip off.)

• I know what you guys are thinking “hey you forget to tell the most famous method to loose everything “THE BIG G” “Gambling” .Ok first of all I know online gambling is best way to loose everything But in many countries it is illegal and we don’t want to do anything illegal . So check your country laws before trying this method.

• I have already told you about the gold digger method .But the good news is that, there are online gold diggers too . So, just find them and let them rip you completely.

• Another method to loose money online is to buy digital products(ebooks video training etc) . There are lot of rubbish digital products online . So find them and buy them .Don’t worry about hard disk space even if you have 40gb hard drive what you have to do is just delete them after you have buy them and forget everything about it .

• Now here’s a little technical method , for this you will use adsense and other ppc (paid per click ) advertising . First you have to build a website ,don’t worry just hire the most expensive webmaster and let him do his work . Now use adsense and bid for highest amount i.e the amount you will pay if user click on your ad . Believe me this is very effective method . If you are not much technical them hire someone and promise them to give your house in return.

• Do you know you can even bid your job on ebay .This method strikes me after I heard about a Australian who has put his house ,bike ,friends ,job on ebay. But you should consult your lawyer and your boss before trying it .

• And by the way you can also loose a lot of money just emailing your friends (remember paypal) .Use paypal to email your friends your money for no reason.

I hope if you use the methods seriously then you will rip you completely in no time .

And at end “ don’t take it seriously” (sorry for repeating this again and again ,but there are people in this world who may take it seriously)

Subdomain beating domain in 180 million results


Subdomain makes you loose some credibility but does blogspot subdomain loose your credibility. Strangely it helps you gain some credibilty(yeah it does ,I hope some seo are grinning at this point) Especially if you have blog about personal blogs ,freebies ,free way to make money etc, I prefer you go for blogger account and there is no need to buy domain .Ofcourse everybody can afford 9$ for domain (my visitors are accessing internet and I am pretty sure your internet connection bill per month is more expensive than 9$ domain per year).If you are sharing
your personal views ,free ways to make money online(if we are talking about free why even 9$ investment) etc it doesn't hurt your credibility ,instead it helps to increase your credibility .
Even with your blogspot subdomain you will get entry in search engine and there are many other benefits as google love its products(and that includes blogger too) .

Ok sticking to my topic
I will talk about credibility war between subdomain and domain. If you ask any seo the first thing they will ask you to do is "go get a domain" , but for the sake of at this article I will say "I won't" . It doesn't mean having domain loses your credibility it do helps specially if are thinking of affiliate marketing and want to sell any product.

Ok lets talk about live example and take the keyword "make money online" as you have already guessed it is very common term and its almost impossible to compete with it .At the time of writing this article make money online comes up with
180 million search results (aaaaaaaaaggghhh ) .

Now ask some seo guru is it possible to compete with subdomain ,there will be answers like"are you insane"Go out and learn "what is internet " ,"kid do you even know the definition of SEO" "Are you relative of Paris Hilton?"

Now when I have done the search for "make money online" keyword the first result that come up is a subdomin beating domain .Next one is also subdomain .

Now can't the owner of blog afford the domain ,I seriously doubt that? .Now ask SEO guru's they will say" "See i already know that but the thing is,
in seo x+y =z ,5+6 =90 blah blah blah ..........

So why and how so many people (bloggers websites owners) are linking to this subdoamain blog and even paying to advertise in subdomain blog hope you got my point . But another thing I want to add up is most the things I said hold true for blogger as blogspot subdomain has build quite a credibility and of course it has hands of prof google behind it (please clean thinking,we are here talking about seo ) .

Conclusion there is still no "SEO expert" , "SEO GURU" known to mankind ,we all are still learning .It is more mystifying and more difficult to understand than understanding "why Britney really shaved her head?(i know its old news but question is still new)

WARNING:I didn't try to teach you some magic formula .What I want to convey is you can go against the flow of river and still make a fortune . There are no set of rules in SEO .
EVERYBODY JUST GUESSING............................

Instant Buzz - Get laser targeted traffic free


Instant Buzz - What it can do for you and what it can't.....

Instant Buzz is a tool very common among the internet marketers or affiliates .Instant buzz can do wonders specially if you are an affiliate.

Ok first a little info about Instant Buzz who are new to it .

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Instant Buzz is basically a toolbar available for firefox and internet explorer which display ads and you earn points by surfing the internet which I guess everybody who open web bowser do. So basically you do nothing but surf the internet which you usually do to earn instant buzz bar points.

There are basically 3 type of ads available .

Instant Buzz Bar Ads : Which are displayed at the toolbar .You earn bar ads points just by surfing .Bar ads are most common type in Instant buzz.

Instant Buzz Hyperspace ads: just put the code given to you by the Instant Buzz and you earn points when user visit your website or sign up.

Instant Buzz Mailspace ads: This is quite innovative .You just configure your email client with it and earn points .So when you send email it will display the ad of other instant buzz member and you earn point for it .

Don't worry about power pack and ad pack if the service really works for , you can buy them . Right now you should unleash the power this free tool.

Also don't get confused about points, mailspace points and bar ads points are two different things ,which means if you get mailspace points then you can spend those points on mailspace ads only.

TIP 1: Try to make your bad ad as attractive as you can .You got few characters and just one line so make it as attractive as you can .

TIP 2:Instant buzz can work for different sort of websites but what niche is most successful is digital products . So if you are affiliate then this may be your goldmine.

Also if you are new to it then try bad ads as it is extremely easy to earn them . They also have different levels membership so if it works for you you can go for higher level membership .

Click on the banner to go to Instant Buzz and download this super powerful free tool.

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