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Subdomain beating domain in 180 million results


Subdomain makes you loose some credibility but does blogspot subdomain loose your credibility. Strangely it helps you gain some credibilty(yeah it does ,I hope some seo are grinning at this point) Especially if you have blog about personal blogs ,freebies ,free way to make money etc, I prefer you go for blogger account and there is no need to buy domain .Ofcourse everybody can afford 9$ for domain (my visitors are accessing internet and I am pretty sure your internet connection bill per month is more expensive than 9$ domain per year).If you are sharing
your personal views ,free ways to make money online(if we are talking about free why even 9$ investment) etc it doesn't hurt your credibility ,instead it helps to increase your credibility .
Even with your blogspot subdomain you will get entry in search engine and there are many other benefits as google love its products(and that includes blogger too) .

Ok sticking to my topic
I will talk about credibility war between subdomain and domain. If you ask any seo the first thing they will ask you to do is "go get a domain" , but for the sake of at this article I will say "I won't" . It doesn't mean having domain loses your credibility it do helps specially if are thinking of affiliate marketing and want to sell any product.

Ok lets talk about live example and take the keyword "make money online" as you have already guessed it is very common term and its almost impossible to compete with it .At the time of writing this article make money online comes up with
180 million search results (aaaaaaaaaggghhh ) .

Now ask some seo guru is it possible to compete with subdomain ,there will be answers like"are you insane"Go out and learn "what is internet " ,"kid do you even know the definition of SEO" "Are you relative of Paris Hilton?"

Now when I have done the search for "make money online" keyword the first result that come up is a subdomin beating domain .Next one is also subdomain .

Now can't the owner of blog afford the domain ,I seriously doubt that? .Now ask SEO guru's they will say" "See i already know that but the thing is,
in seo x+y =z ,5+6 =90 blah blah blah ..........

So why and how so many people (bloggers websites owners) are linking to this subdoamain blog and even paying to advertise in subdomain blog hope you got my point . But another thing I want to add up is most the things I said hold true for blogger as blogspot subdomain has build quite a credibility and of course it has hands of prof google behind it (please clean thinking,we are here talking about seo ) .

Conclusion there is still no "SEO expert" , "SEO GURU" known to mankind ,we all are still learning .It is more mystifying and more difficult to understand than understanding "why Britney really shaved her head?(i know its old news but question is still new)

WARNING:I didn't try to teach you some magic formula .What I want to convey is you can go against the flow of river and still make a fortune . There are no set of rules in SEO .
EVERYBODY JUST GUESSING............................


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