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5 Super tips to start blogging


1.Finding your niche

Some of you may be crying out loud that why I emphasize on it . Ok just do a little search on google and buy book for blog traffic you will be surprised most of them revolve around this one thing . Just think about what it would be like if four friends share different topics each one has no interest in other person topic, now compare it with situation four friends with interest in rap music soon there will be rap discussions followed by rap battles ,everyone will enjoy their time . So stick to one topic if you like sports then stick to sports you will get more quality visitors . Also if you go more specifically like football blog ,things will heat up more .


Comments are also one of the most important thing to drive traffic and growth . They basically work well with controversial blogs . But be ready to receive some negative comments , usually negative comments ignite discussion which may prove good for your blog . But if things get too ugly you can easily remove offensive comments . Most of the blogging services provide you the tools to manage comments .This thing also differentiate blog from website . Most of the time you cannot discuss things on website although things are changing quite faster

3. Posting frequency

Now what the heck is this posting frequency . This basically means time span after you will post . Some bloggers post daily , some do it weekly . No matter what’s your frequency is , what matters is sticking to it or else your blog may soon die and you will loose your regular visitors . .

4.Title of post

Title of your post really matters a lot .The users online have quite a large choice of articles to go through ,so they basically skim through them and what title catches their eye they give it a shot . Also choosing the right article makes the promotion of your blog easier as many website ask for your blogger post address.


This may look like “of course visitors, I know this everybody know”. But what I am taking about is quality visitors , what a blogger need is quality visitors .Most often blog is online diary people with similar interest come they discuss topic, argue on it and soon blog grows with regular visitors . So don’t go for no of visitors on your blog go for quality of visitors

So what you are waiting for start blogging

Why 95% of people fails to make money online ?


If you have gone through this “make money online” experience you must be thinking the percentage should be higher maybe 100% i.e nobody can make money online . The 5% are those people who are making money online . Its not like they didn’t face failure but they didn’t keep on saying “only if I had this , that maybe then I may have succeed online ’ . Now lets stick to topic why 95% fails .

The major percentage probably 40 % fails due to falling into the trap of scams . They followed the scams like “ 100$ to click email” ( we human are always attracted by such scams even when we know its fake ) . I am pretty sure even after reading this article people will still keep on clicking and waste their time in scams ( sorry but I can’t change human nature ) I won’t say that “get paid to” industry is completely scam .You can make money , I am making money . You may be able to make enough money that you may choose to quit your 9 to 5 job .That’s why I named my blog http://www.quitthat9to5.blogspot.com
And by the way I never quit my 9 to 5 job because I never join any .

Now the visitors to my my blog can be categorized as:

X: they come to my blog with negative attitude , skeptical about everything in their life Hardwired in their mind “this will not work” . So little browsing and then quitting from blog and waiting for some angel to pour money while sitting on their pc browing myspace or playing world of warcraft .

Y : They are pretty aggressive ,with the blood rushing through their veins with the dream in their eyes ,with the feeling that the whole world belongs to them and whole internet and dream about becoming millionaire online. They joined a couple of websites and after three days they start self talking to themselves “I want to make millions not thousands dollars , there must be some other way” And then start their endless journey ……….

Z : Quiet balanced one . Stable in their thoughts .Always do things positively .Know what they want .They know what they want to accomplish in next 10 days . Picked up some paper or used some softwares to get organized Joined the websites and start doing daily work on these websites for at least one hour after 1 or 2 months start earning maybe more than me .

That’s what is needed to start earning online be minority who get success not majority who are losers.
If you being using internet for about one month and still not go through this make money online then there are around 97% chances that you are too busy in other sides of internet ( I don’t feel the need to elaborate other sides)

I used to very skeptical of this “Get paid to online” programs . Reason is very simple most of the time I fell into scam . My conclusion was 100 % of them are scams . But this changes after I get 10 $ in my paypal .The amount may looks like “what 10 $ what the hell !! that much amount you can make online ? Hmmn buddies that was just a beginning , a proof that making money online is not a myth . Now I am making thousands dollars around 5000 $ per month ( If some of you are skeptical then keep on doing it, that won’t lower my income he he he) And about my conclusion I would say “ 90% of these money making programs are fake” . Hey don’t make faces . I still say most of them are fake . I am still very skeptical about such programs so it still takes me months to trust any program . See I am more skeptical than you but still making money .

Ok for those who think that 5000 $ per month is too less then I would like to say its much better than nothing .

And for those who think 5000 $ per month is too much then I would like to say internet has created many millionaires so comparing to them I am earning almost nothing .

Another rule online is to change with the latest trend (you won’t be happy if someone calls you older generation online) I recently migrated from website to blog as I feel its much more easier to manage although I am facing many problems like I lost my regular visitors .So If you want to make money online first you have to believe that you can make money online . And if you want to get started then start it now


or just put on your headphones and listen hard rock for eternity and wait for someone maybe someone will come and pay you for listening songs.

Finding your niche to start blogging


So many people start blogging talking everything in their blog from their pets to their girlfriend/boyfriend ,xbox . I admit you may be too extrovert to share everything in your life . While discussing things offline it may make sense first talking about dating and suddenly taking the topic to Xbox 360 . This approach may work offline but I seriously doubt it will work online .

So first thing you should do while even starting blog is what you want to talk about “Is it Britney Spears or Paris Hilton ?” .Is it about dating or gaming . The reason is very simple if you start talking about everything in your blog you make yourself confuse and others too. So first thing is to find your niche . You may put the different things related to them , for example in my blog “ make money online opportunities” and “blogging” are related to each other so I put posts relating to blogging too . Just find link to talk about something related and don’t get too far . For example if I suddenly start discussing about Paris Hilton in this post you guys will be start thinking “this guy is insane ,he doesn’t know what he is talking about” .

So if your interest is in gardening start a blog about gardening .Your social circle with like minded people will grow .

Also another positive thing about sticking to your niche is promoting your website . If your blog is about gardening you know how to promote , for example certain directories will ask you what your blog is about you can pickup hobbies . but if you are talking about everything in your life you may be confused what is my blog about ..
Also don’t get confused if you are talking about the things you do during the day ,what you like and what you don’t that blog may be categorized as personal blog .
Remember sticking to your niche bring you quality visitors and like minded people .

BuzzShed : Get paid to watch videos


Buzz shed

This is entirely a new phenomenon .Now you can also get paid to watch videos.They will send you " buzzclip" which will basically referred to email link they will send you which is link to video .After you watched the video your account will be credited .You will also get paid to refer .So what are you waiting for ?

Click here to join it

Introduction to Blogging


So heard a lot about blog and wanna have your own .I may have written info about blogging in an essay format but I guess blogging is not so typical that it will need long lessons . Also to give basic overview of blogging I thought it will be much easier to understand it in question-answer format .

What is blogging ?
So do you have have diary offline where you write “What you like about that person ? Why you hate your boss so much ? and some private questions which I can’t put in here . There are something in your diary that you want to share with the whole world and there are something’s that you would like to keep private When I said the whole world , Is it possible to share it with whole world changing airplanes everyday ,visiting ever country? . It may seems impossible but internet make it possible . So blogging is your online diary where you share your experiences .So in simple words its an “ online diary”.

Is sharing your thoughts ideas is the only thing that is possible in blog ?
Although initially blog is basically used to share ideas .Even today many are using them for sharing ideas . But many are using it for marketing , business etc . So you can use it for any purpose like a website .

Is website and blog same thing ?
They may seem similar and for a newbie it will will be hard and difficult to convince that they are different .Both are different in many aspects .The major difference between blog and website is blog is extremely easy to manage as compared to website . But that doesn’t mean that blog will replace the websites entirely from this galaxy . Although blog may look enough for a simple purposes but for professional purposes its not at all fill the purposes . But today even the professional websites have blog to share ideas with their customers .

How communication happens in blog ?
If you are completely new to the blogging you may wonder how communication happens in blog .Although there are many widgets available to you , the communication mainly happens through the comments . You can also reply to the visitors comments . ready to get some negative comments too .

Now what the hell are widgets ?
You can compare widgets to accessories in real life . They are basically used to enhance the blog . For example you may have widget which will show comic strip daily . They also prevent the hassle of coding and provide you with advances features

What is this “monetizing your website ?
This basically means that getting money from your blog Now there are literally so many way to monetize your website .Some work and some doesn’t

So how can I start blogging start ?
Basically there are many websites around web which provides free blogging service you can sign up with them and can open your online diary . The major services are blogger and wordpress . So you just have to sign up and start blogging .

Although this questions may not be enough for a newbie to start if you completely new to blogging . But look out for my tutorials on blogging in future . I will try to present them in the most easiest format and of course for free .So remember to subscribe So that you won’t miss a thing .

Scam : Sir we need your password within 24 hours !!!!


Hmm so impostor may have send you this sort of email ,basically they make the email looks like legitimate email from company asking you about your personal details mainly password to fix up the things. You may find that they will use excuse of technical problems they are facing .

For example:

you may find some impostor pretending to be ebay employee asking you for your password followed by reason like” Sir there has been hacking attempt on our website so we need your password to fix up the things otherwise you account may be suspended within 24 hours “ . This is also a strategy they use forcing you to take quick action so you don’t have time to think whether it is scam or not .

How do I save myself from such scams ?

  • The most easiest will be look out for email address . They may try to make even email similar but two emails cannot be same .

  • Also most of websites give precautions and methods to save customers from such scam. Many of them have policies like they will never ask for your password .So be aware of scams there is dangerous world out there in internet .

Scam: You got an email ,Claim your property!!!!!!!!


Hmm I remember I received an email from someone who just want me to claim property . Although I was new to internet at that time but I have enough brain to guess that no one is going to give me property just because I have been randomly chosen. They basically send you a email quit well written and impressive so that they can intrigue you enough to click and send them your personal detail .

How they got my email address ?
Although I don't know exactly how they get your email but chances are limitless .Maybe the websites which claim that they won't leak your email actually leak your mail to their so called advertisesr . Or some email group leak your email address . As I told chances are limitless.

Why they do this to me I was so happy receiving this email ?
You may have already start dreaming of millions but they do this to every email they possess .They reason can different may be they want to get your credit card number by receiving your personal details . I guess this is the primary reason why they want personal details .credit card theft is one of the most common crime online but can be easily avoided if proper steps are taken to avoid them .

How can I avoid them ?
* Give your email only to trusted websites .
* Use your general knowledge . Nobody is going to give you their property .This may happens in movies but not in real life .




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Get Ref


Get ref

The rules are quite simple "earn points and get referrals" . It is one of the unique website which will provide you free referrals after you accommodate the required points .It supports around 2000 programs . I think it is quite good for people who don't own website to promote their referral link .




WordLinx - Get Paid To Click

Payout limit: 10$
Upgrade option: available
Methods to earn : paid to click

Jills click corner


Jills click corner

Payout limit: 1$ for paypal, 10 cent for e-gold
Upgrade option :available
Methods to earn : paid to click,paid to signup,referral contest games to earn
Referrals levels:1

Best free traffic exchangers


Free traffic exchangers works a little bit similar to social networking but in this case you get to know each other by visiting others websites .

for example you visited 30 websites and you earn 30 points and now you have privilege to send 30 visitors to your website . Its simple as give and take But they always doesn't work the same although basic thing remains the same i.e you visit their website they visit yours . But some of them may provide some special service like searching according to your interest like "mini google" . Its the most easiest way to generate traffic . You can also buy points if you want . Like others services in web world you may found thousands of them but here i will provide my best one traffic exchangers :
Click on the banners to sign up:

Traffic G

Traffic Swarm

Top Surfer

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Popular 1:1 Traffic Exchange

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Another popular online payment service :Alertpay



Paypal is the big daddy of " online banks" . Almost all the websites supports it .I have already told about enough in "online payment services info" so Now hmm.. just join it

Sign up for PayPal and start accepting credit card payments instantly.

Online payment services info


If you are familiar with making money online then chances are you already know about the services like paypal, alertpay . If not then let me tell you in laymen language they are like " online banks " . In real life you have to go to bank to withdraw or deposit money ,here in these online banks you just have to login to your account to withdraw money or deposit .
Another biggest advantage is transactions can be through the email , just like you send or rceive any email . For example Mr x want to send you payment they will send it to your paypal email address ( which is the email you used to register account .) which then will be deposited in your account . The money you get in your paypal account can be use to buy products online as many websites supports paypal or you can withdraw it from your offline bank account andfel the touch of money .
Paypal also supports to directly deposit your money in your offline bank account , currently it supports many countries and many are adding up everyday but even in those countries in which paypal has no parternership with any bank , there are third party services to get your money ,so no need to worry .

Myfreeshares : earn money through online shares


As its name tells "myfreeshares", you have to earn shares by clicking the clicking ads ,sign up etc .After you earn shares you will earn commission for each sale the website made ( don't bother about how why , what and when they sale, it doesn't has any affect on your earning i.e its their matter ) .Here's the simple example if you have 100 share then you will 2 cent everyday according to sales. If you are a bit confused ,although there is nothing to get confused,then don't bother about anything and keep on gathering shares by signing up ,clicking ads and your commission per day will automatically rise like a virtual money making machine .

Minimum payout :10 $ paypal ,alertpay ,egold
Upgrade option: available
Ways to earn :paid to read email ,paid to click,paid to signup etc

Scam : Earn 100 $ for clicking on email


Beware guys , if you are new to internet or get paid to programs then chances are pretty high that you have already fallen into their trap .There are so many websites floating around the web that claim to give you 100$ etc or more on clicking emails or banners . They are flooding the web now as more and more people are exposed to earn online opportunities and thus more people to fell into their trap .

Here's how they work :

No matter how clever or skeptical you are when somebody offer you to give you 100 $ for reading email ,your mind says "i am sure that they are scams but lets join them . Money is so important in life maybe they will really give the money what then? " and then you join them do the work like surveys reading emails etc for month and when you ask for the payment you wait for 40 years to arrive but still no reply and telling your grandchildren about this tragic event .

You may not made any money but they have earned money from you as you have participated in surveys , read emails etc for them . On their side they have been paid by the advertisers .

Here's my tips to avoid them
1. Join the trusted websites listed here in gpt(get piad to ) emails, gpt surveys . I have already checked them out and get paid from them so I can assure that they are 100% scam free

2 . Lets say you want to advertise you ebook worth 75$ .Are you willing to pay 100$ to advertize it so that people will click on your advertisement banner and that too doesn't ensure that they are going to pay for the ebook . Same principle applies here , the advertizrs aren't going to pay 100$ for you to click .

Scam : Congratulation click on banner to claim your prize


How many times have have you come cross the website with the flashing banner of

" congratulations you are winner click here to claim your prize "

and before clicking you start screaming all around the house yelling and bragging about it and after you click on the flashing banner you are directed to annoying sing up page " What the hell where is my prize " .

Your whole life sunken into deep black hole and you stop listening to anybody and close yourself in room talking to yourself " where is my prize" (sorry for exaggerating) . Most of the newbies fell into this trap and the enjoy the 2 second extreme joy of life (excitement level depends upon prize) . The people who are used to internet are quite used to this .I would rather call it annoyance instead of scam .

You may come across this type of annoyance in any website as they are just regular banners and uses greed of human being . All I can say about this type of scam is learn to ignore these ads . Rest you will learn with experience . Because my survey says if you are newbie then even after reading this article you will again press that beautiful banner .




Minimum payout :10 $ paypal
Upgrade option:available
Ways to earn:paid to read email ,paid to click,paid to signup
Referral links : 3




Minimum payout: 5$ paypal
Upgrade option: available
Ways to earn:paid to read email ,paid to click ,paid to sign up, paid to promote ,paid to promote contest,click contest , games to earn
Referral levels:4 -10%, 3%, 1% ,1%

Email for ads


Email for ads

EmailsForAds - Pays Cash!

Minimum payout: 5$ paypal
Upgrade option: available
Ways to earn:paid to read email ,paid to click
Referral levels :15




DonkeyMails.com: No Minimum Payout

Minimum payout : 1$ for paypal ,liberty reserve ,alertpay
Upgrade option: available
Ways to earn: paid to read email ,paid to click ,paid to signup ,paid to click contest, paid to review,paid to promote,games to earn
Referrals levels:5 - 5% ,4%, 3% ,2% ,1%





Minimum payout : no minimum payout for paypal,masspay ,1$ for e-gold
Upgrade option : available
Ways to earn : Paid to read email ,paid to click ,paid to signup, click contest ,referral contest ,games to earn
Referral levels :4 - 10% , 3%, 1%, 1%

No -minimum




Minimum payout: 1$ for paypal,alertpay ,no-minimum payout for e-gold
Ways to earn : paid to read email ,paid to click ,paid to signup, paid to promote ,manual surf ,play games to earn
Referral levels: 6 levels -5% ,4%, 3% ,2% ,1%, 1%

Honey advertiser pro


1. Honey advertiser Pro


Minimum payout : 15$
Upgrade option : available
Ways to earn : paid to read email,paid to click ,paid to signup , paid to promote paid to surf ,paid classified ,paid to review,contest piad to click ,games to earn money
Referral levels : 6 levels

Get paid to play games



Prizee: Free Games and Presents!

This website welcome members from all over the world . You earn points referred as Bulbz which you can spend to buy gifts . Prizee now has become one of the most visited site in world . So what are you waiting for ,they are giving you gifts just to play games . Entertainment and money at the same time .

Upgrading Account


Most of the GPT programs allow you to upgrade your account to gold , silver membership . Now what are these memberships ? and what is so special about them and how they gona benifit me ? There are many benefits of upgrading your account for example you will have lower payout ,free referrals etc. I highly recommend you to upgrade your account although you may want to wait for sometime until you earn some money or you want to upgrade them first before start earning it's all up to you or you may be happy with your free membership , its all up to you.

Points system


Almost all websites have points system .You gain points simply by click ads and reading emails .Don't get confused the ads or emails you click can either give you points or cash .Many websites allow you to convert your points to cash or you can use them for your own website or whatever you want to advertise . Some of these websites allow you to only use them for ads only,this vary from website to website how they allow to use your points

Referrals or Downline


This section is not necessary to get started and start earning . I prefer signing up websites and get general understanding of them. After few days you can go through this section because this need a little advanced understanding and skills of advertising and may confuse a newbie .

Referrals may not be needed to start earning .You can earn start earning money with zero referral also . But they become necessary when you want to earn money fast and generate more income . So what is this referral ? In Get paid to industry the referral means the person which has joined "get paid to" program through your referral link . Hey but where I'm gonna find my referral link ? Don't worry when you login to website you will be presented with something like “referral link” or “banners” which will take you to your referral link . When your referral earn money you also get credit of that .Nothing is deducted from the referral income but you get credited cause of your referral activity . You will see some website will say that 1st level 20% ,2nd level 15% , so what are these levels and percentage .Referral level 1 means referral through you link , 2nd level means the referral your referral has . And the percentage indicates how much you get from your 1st referral ,2nd referral etc. I would say that newbie should not try it now cause things may get complicated .First sign up websites and when you think that you are ready to go through this section then give it a shot cause this need a little extra effort from your side. I will come up with more tutorials about it . For now you can call your local friends to sign up with your referral link ,this will be a good start and if you are already have a general understanding of online advertising or own a website you can start promoting your referral links .

Inactivity period


Beware most of the websites have inactivity period after which your account will be deleted . So if you sign up lot of websites at 1st January ,go through them for 20-25 days and then login at your girlfriend's/boyfriend's birthday on 30th march your account will be deleted from all the websites you signed and will loose your money if there's any you earned . Most of these websites have inactivity period of 30 days after that your account will be deleted .But I think if you really want to earn money then there is no chance that you won't login for 30 days .

Get paid to play games online

Now many GPT websites let you play games like “head or tail” where you bid money to earn double of it or small games like this to increase your earning . And there are also websites which are completely dedicated to play the games .The rule is simple “play and earn”. There may also be cash contests in such websites .

Get paid to surf


It is also quite similar to above methods .You have to wait for a particular time . But now after the timer is completed you have to click on the next usually above or with the timer to go to other advertiser page and again things will be same .This procedure will go on until you surf all the websites or you quit . Take in mind usually there is button like “save and exit” . Remember to click it to get credited otherwise you may loose your points or cash .Note : There may be image verification here to check that links are clicked by a real human being . Don't won't about these security procedures they won't be problem unless your eyes are too week to see or you close your eyes when surfing Internet .

Get paid to take surveys online !!!


So what are you expecting in surveys Will they ask you the biologiccal composition of bacteria or questions related to trignomatric functions . Dont worry there won't be any such question so you didn't have to worry about that .The questions are very simple for example they may ask you how you access your computer ? how many members are in your family ? and it usually don't take more than 5-10 minutes on survey .

Get paid to click ads


This is basically the same as Get paid to real emails but you can access these links only by logging into website . There you have to click on link something like “paid to click” .After clicking it you will be taken to page containing banners or links for you to click . After you click banner or link you will be taken to advertiser page and the procedure will be same as that of reading emails .Again you have to wait for sometime to get credited .

Clicking on banner will take you to the appropriate page and same as get paid to real emails there will be timer and you have to wait to get credited .

Get paid to read emails


This is one of the most common type of GPT program . In this you will get emails in your regular email accounts ( gmail ,yahoo etc whatever you prefer ) .You can also read them by logging into gpt website as they will be availabe there also .Most of these websites give you the option how to recieve your emails you can get them at your regular email or only by logging into website or at both place . Now what you have to do is to click on the link in your inbox which is basically under the title “ you can easily figure it out .When you click on the link you will be taken to the advertiser website .In the extreme left or right there will be timer of few seconds which indicates for what amout of time you will have to stay there .After timer gets over the page will be automatically refreshed and will show you that your account has been credited .

Beware when you click on the link on your email there may beimage verification or number verification (whatever method they use ) to ensure that link has been clicked by the human being ( and not an alien) . This is basically used to filter the cheaters from the system . They have the condition that if you clicked wrong and fail verification for 3 or more time ( something like that not every website has same condition just an example ) then your account may be suspended . So don't start clicking it madly or try to cheat

One of their method to filter non-loyal members who try to cheat the system .Beware of it and don't try to cheat or your account may get banned .

How to make money online ?


Now there are plenty of ways to earn money . Though some say that through " get paid to " industry you may limited to thousand dollars only for example may be 3000$ dollars per month or may be more that depends upon how much you put yourself into and stop yourself from falling to scams .But this money can be used for some real bigger plans whatever you have in your mind .
I will talk about the other serious business such as affiliate marketing etc later on .Mind it if anybody says like " start earning 300000$ in one month through affiliate marketing " and the a sweet little button of paypal which says " buy it for 30 $ only .Believe me he is earning more than you may earn . And affiliate marketing is really competitive and you require marketing skills mas much as you need in real life projects . Also it involves money for sure and a lot of serious time .
That distinguish it from get paid to industry where you can start with a" hole in your pocket " . I won't discourage you to affiliate marketing and other sort of online buisness .I will assist you in learning them but even i couldn't get enough time to put effort in it .But starting from 0$ to 3000$ isn't bad I guess later on you can multiply earned money in your ways or completely lost it ,that's up to you . Now lets list ways to earn :

Now some of you may be thinking that I 'm using word GPT but what this mean ,it's nothing but it's used for “get paid to” industry and there are many ways to get paid . Some of these methods are given as below :
  • Get paid to read Emails

  • Get paid to click links

  • Get paid to participate in surveys

  • Get paid to surf

  • Get paid to play game online

Although the above names are enough to give you a hint what they are meant for but sometimes the easier things may become confusing specially for newbies , so dont wont worry we will go through it . So lets start consuming them one by one .

Intro to Get paid to industry


They are making money then why can't you ? But beware don't start grabing these oppurtunities blindly . There may be thousands of such programs which promise you to give huge amount of money by reading threre emails ,surveys etc . There exist such programs but there is also a whole world of scammers out there . So a wrong choice may to lead to lot of wastage of time with no money in hands but a lot of frustration in mind .
If you are already or have some bitter experience then you may have come across websites which promise you to give huge amount of money some promise you to pay 100$ for reading one email (OH my God !! It looks like you are going to surpass Bill Gates wealth) and will make you richer in just few days . Now you must be thinking that if there are so many scammers out there then how I will start earning money online ?, how I will know which are scammers and which are legimate.
Don't worry for that when I am here .In this website you will only see the most trusted websites . So there is no need to hunting down scammers and looking for real thing . And I am sure if you are new to GPT industry you must be thinking that how much investment will be there . Dont worry in this whole process you don't have to spend even a penny . You can start earning right now .
Now if you have already some experience with it then just sign up right now and if you are a Newbie then first go through the Help section and in a few minutes you will start earning . It doen't need any money to start it just need a very little time from your busy life . Hey !!! you just have to read emails and participate in surveys , you can't call that WORK!!!

Get paid to take surveys online



Click on link to join :


Get paid to read emails


Here are listed some of the most trusted website in Gpt mail industry .Enough research has been done to verify them and i personally has received money from them . They may be few but it is better to join one trusted program than thousands of scams .

Get started : Make money online


Lets start with "What is GPT" ? It referes to "Get paid to" or you can say ways to "make money online" . Though there are many ways to earn online but at the same time the number of scammers are increasing day by day who promise you to help you make thousands of dollars with some unskilled work . So in short scammers are making things difficult .So what so special about this website as there are hundred of websites floating in internet telling you ways to earn online . Here's what you get " scam free programs " . All the programs listed here are most trust worthy so you didn't have to give a second thought before joining them . If you are completetly a newbie then the first thing you should do is to go through the help or if you are already into this then you can go straight and browse sections and join listed programs . Although there aren't many programs now but I will keep on adding the new as soon as I find any . Also it is better to join few trusted programs than joining hundreds of scams which will earn you nothing but only frustration and time wastage .