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Scam: You got an email ,Claim your property!!!!!!!!


Hmm I remember I received an email from someone who just want me to claim property . Although I was new to internet at that time but I have enough brain to guess that no one is going to give me property just because I have been randomly chosen. They basically send you a email quit well written and impressive so that they can intrigue you enough to click and send them your personal detail .

How they got my email address ?
Although I don't know exactly how they get your email but chances are limitless .Maybe the websites which claim that they won't leak your email actually leak your mail to their so called advertisesr . Or some email group leak your email address . As I told chances are limitless.

Why they do this to me I was so happy receiving this email ?
You may have already start dreaming of millions but they do this to every email they possess .They reason can different may be they want to get your credit card number by receiving your personal details . I guess this is the primary reason why they want personal details .credit card theft is one of the most common crime online but can be easily avoided if proper steps are taken to avoid them .

How can I avoid them ?
* Give your email only to trusted websites .
* Use your general knowledge . Nobody is going to give you their property .This may happens in movies but not in real life .


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