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Finding your niche to start blogging


So many people start blogging talking everything in their blog from their pets to their girlfriend/boyfriend ,xbox . I admit you may be too extrovert to share everything in your life . While discussing things offline it may make sense first talking about dating and suddenly taking the topic to Xbox 360 . This approach may work offline but I seriously doubt it will work online .

So first thing you should do while even starting blog is what you want to talk about “Is it Britney Spears or Paris Hilton ?” .Is it about dating or gaming . The reason is very simple if you start talking about everything in your blog you make yourself confuse and others too. So first thing is to find your niche . You may put the different things related to them , for example in my blog “ make money online opportunities” and “blogging” are related to each other so I put posts relating to blogging too . Just find link to talk about something related and don’t get too far . For example if I suddenly start discussing about Paris Hilton in this post you guys will be start thinking “this guy is insane ,he doesn’t know what he is talking about” .

So if your interest is in gardening start a blog about gardening .Your social circle with like minded people will grow .

Also another positive thing about sticking to your niche is promoting your website . If your blog is about gardening you know how to promote , for example certain directories will ask you what your blog is about you can pickup hobbies . but if you are talking about everything in your life you may be confused what is my blog about ..
Also don’t get confused if you are talking about the things you do during the day ,what you like and what you don’t that blog may be categorized as personal blog .
Remember sticking to your niche bring you quality visitors and like minded people .


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