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Recession and Making Money Online Scenario


Recession has cost millions to lose their jobs. But its effect on online business is not same as that on offline. Many affiliates have actually seen boost in their income as many people have lost their jobs and looking for online opportunities to earn money. Although this means a lot of business in "making money online" opportunities, but at the same time it also means you have to convince your customer more to spend his/her money. So that also means who will give high quality product at lowest price will win the heart of customer. Although money making niche has become hot but same cannot be said about other niches as people facing the recession won't go on blind online shopping(they may become ultra skeptical devices). But making money online is their need so "make money online" niche will remain hot. Even though recession has boost certain areas of making money online but this makes the rules of the internet marketing game even tougher. There are already enough pro in marketing jungle so if you are newbie it may be 4 times more difficult to enter internet marketing in recession(I am not demoralizing you, just telling the truth).

Another question which arise is with huge number of people turning to online marketing will it saturate the market. The answer is not very motivating but the answer will remains the same “95% of people will still fail to make any money online”. I didn’t said these words to demoralize anyone but human nature never changes. A lot of people even after losing jobs will still be searching for "quick millionaire scheme” and live in their dream world. But if you are someone serious then you can put yourself in 5% who are making serious money online even during recession.

Blogger - How to Backup Your Blog Posts and Comments


The first thing that comes to any pro mind running his/her business online or offline is "Back Up". In case of blog you need to take backup frequently as content is added regularly. Imagine losing your blog when it has 1000 posts, that would be disaster right. Backup is very important for blogger yet majority ignore it completely. But anyways you should never forget to backup your blog regularly. Taking backup of your posts and comments is very simple in case of blogger.

Just click settings after you log into blogger. Then under basic tab, look at the "blog tools". Its has two three option, import blog, export blog and delete blog. Their functions are quite obvious. Just click on "export blog" and you are done. So simple right, but most of the bloggers take blogger service for guaranteed. Google is a big company, if one day they take down your blog, they may not even reply to your email. They haven't spared even big websites like "squidoo".

Top 5 freelancing websites


Here's the list of my favorite freelancing websites. If you are a freelancer then you will surely get work here and if you are looking for outsourcing then you will surely someone to do your work. All the freelancing websites work in the same way you register and then:

if you are freelancer then look at the existing projects i.e jobs

if you are looking for someone to complete your project then just post it ( process is a bit similar to offline jobs recruitment) . Anyways here's the list of Top 5 freelancing websites.











Check your website worth ....


There are several websites nowadays which will tell you the value of your website in dollars. They basically calculate things like backlinks etc. But don't start jumping if it gives the value of your website in thousands of dollars. That doesn't mean you can yell at ebay 'buy my website for 10000$ only" . The reason is simple there are more sellers in domain market than buyers. But anyway its fun way to brag about your website value.


Opinion Square (USA only)


Another great survey website with big clients. The only downfall is they allow members from U.S.A only, but anyway if you are from U.S.A you must join it. It is nationally recognized on the internet. Most of the surveys are market research and you know what it means for companies. Opinion square data is used by the largest Internet services companies and is used in scoring in fortune 500 companies.

You have to answer simple question like household internet usage and load their software on sign up. Membership like other GPT websites on my blog is completely free(I don't know why I keep on telling this). You can win reward points and enter into sweepstakes. You also have a chance to win 100,000$ cash. So what are waiting for, sign up as fast as you can, as they may close their door for membership soon(there are already millions members for opinion square) and I guess you don't want to loose this opportunity specially when its free.

Click on opinion square to sign up:
Opinion Square

Ipsos Surveys (U.S.A and U.k Only)


Ipsos is one of the most renowned survey company with big brands. It accepts members only from U.K and U.SA. Membership is completely free. A member can earn rewards such as cash prizes ,giveaways and gift card. The surveys you will get will be from big companies, so you can imagine what you will get in return for completing surveys.
The person must be 18 and older to register in the U.S.A and 16 and older to register in U.K. Even if you know a very little about marketing you can tell yourself how important are your opinions for these big companies. Ipsos will be accepting a limited number of members so act now( I don’t think you need extra time to think, registration is completely free).

Ok anyway here’s the Link (please don’t try to cheat the system join only if you are from USA and Uk. Anyways the site won’t open if you are outside of U.K or U.S.A.)

Top 5 Ways to get Quick Laser Targeted Guaranteed Traffic


There are several times in our online life when we just need traffic at any cost. By any cost I mean "any cost". So if you are willing to spend money there is no problem at all to geting traffic. Ok without further wasting the time here are the methods to get million of visitors (depends on your budget):

1. PPC (paid per click) adverting : This is one of the most effective way to get traffic. But even with ppc highly targeted promised traffic you have to work carefully for example if you are selling some kind of product you don't want the freebie seekers to click on your ads. But anyway this is very effective method to get lot of traffic if you have money in your pocket. Google adwords and yahoo search marketing are the biggest player in the game.

2. Banner advertising : Getting your banner ads on other websites is also very effective. Your budget depends upon the website you want to put your ad. For example if you want your ad on gamespot you can get thousands of visitor and at the same time you can imagine the advertising cost.

3. Manual Article submitters: I am not talking about some auto submit software. I am talking about manual article submitters who will submit your articles to hundreds of article directories article directories for a cost. The number of article directories they will submit your articles depends upon the amount of money you are ready to spend.

4.Buy high pr links : There are website who will put your link on their high pr websites for a cost which will effect your pr. Also you will get visitors at the same time. This will overall effect your website ranking and search engine placement.

5. Hire some seo expert : Now the most easiest method, just hire some seo expert. They can be really expensive. But the problem is not that they are expensive or not but there are lot of blackhat seo who will give your website temporary boost get your money and then
boom ,suddenly few days after payment your website vanishes from search engine and Goggle declares you "Best spammer of the month".

Inside the Freelancing Industry


Freelancing is like being your own boss. Get clients, do work and get paid for it. Freelancing industry is hot now. If you have talents like graphic designing, copywriting etc. then you can get paid for it . We will look at the freelancing form two perspective freelancer and client.

Client side

There are lot of people who are not good in technical knowledge for example someone who is not good with graphics, you can make graphics for him and get paid for that, everything happens online. But the major reason for freelancing is outsourcing. For example a person in U.S.A may get freelancer to work for him at quite low price compared to U.S.A. Now with the boom in affiliate marketing a lot of people outsource their work like sales copy, scripts etc to save money and time.


If you are good with website designing, article marketing etc. then you can provide your service online for a price . You can negotiate price with your client.

How Freelancing Websites works :

Most of the freelancing websites have bid system. The people will post their project and then you can grab the project and communicate with person for price or other details.

Freelancing websites are not the only way to outsource work or getting work. You may also use some forums to work or provide your services. Just read the guidelines to post in forums.

Why Getting referrals is tough job ?


Referrals the backbone of "Get paid to" programs.(don't confuse it with affiliate business) Without referrals it will take months to reach your payout. The process looks very easy "join ,get the referral link and promote it" ,by the end of day you can buy an expensive gift for your girlfriend but getting referrals is not that easy. Its not that 123 system.

"Somebody using me"

The problem with promoting referrals links is that many newbie’s think that registering under your referral link will affect their earnings. So I want to crack it down for newbie’s: "when you sign under someone referral link the person under which you are registering may get advantage like some sort of bonus but that doesn't affect your earning. So in short whether you sign up under someone or sign up with no referral link , there will be no effect on your earnings. I think if someone suggested you some GPT program or some “money making opportunity” it is wise and a way of saying thanks to sign up under his/her affiliate link.

Selfish world

Now the problem in getting referrals is not only these newbie’s but also there are people who just don't want to give you anything even for free and have ego problem "signing under someone nah that's not the sign of Alpha male or Supermodel”(that’s what they usually think). There is nothing you can do to avoid it . Somewhat similar situation is faced in affiliate marketing (affiliate tier system). The only thing you can do is start praying that your referral links won't be clicked by these type of people. So there is no need to scream “I am telling these people ways to make money and only thing I ask them to do is sign under me but why why whyyyyyy this is happening , I hate this world”. Actually you can scream because nobody going to listen.

Which blogging service is better ?


There are two names pops in anyone mind when somebody says “Blogging”.

Blogger and Wordpress

Actually it’s quite wrong to say one is better than other. Both have their fan base, you will hear both screams "blogger sucks" ,"wordpress sucks" in blogosphere. But the truth is both are excellent tools for blogging . Now without any further ado I will point the main advantages of these blogging tools:

Blogger :

Blogger is more targeted towards newbie’s with very little exposure of blogging or internet. You just sign up, add couple of posts, add gadgets and you are done. Its interference is quite simple. There is no headache of installing gadgets , scripts ,templates etc. Everything is done with one click.

Wordpress :

Wordpress is mainly targeted towards people with some or complete understanding of blogging. You have to install scripts to your server and then you can start blogging. You have to install scripts, templates etc. It can be difficult for a person who just started blogging or is going for his/her first post. But nowadays most of the hosting services has "Fantastico" which makes installation of wordpress a “kid task” . Even then you are new to the world of blogging I would recommend you to go for Blogger.

Promoting Local Blog


So do you have local blog ? By that I mean targeted at particular region covering news or events in your cities for which you want local traffic. You have to go through different approach in case of the local blogs. Here are some methods to promote your local blog effectively.

  • Facebook ,myspace : Many social networking websites nowadays provide inbuilt blogging tools to blog so you didn't need to sign up for services like blogger etc. Social networking websites are great because you know you can keep in touch with people 24/7 and alert them whenever you post about local event.

  • Local Newspaper or magazine can also work great for getting local traffic.

  • Paid per click advertising works great for getting highly targeted traffic. For local blog it is extremely effective but you have to extra careful with keywords because any visitor out of local region may be completely useless for you.
  • Classified ads : many classified ads have option to target the particular region .Also look out for directories too.

So you want to make 100000$ per month ?


Getting attracted to this huge figure ? A lot of people are making money by taking surveys , email readings etc. And now after the recession has hit the whole world market , lower the job opportunities and lot of other negative consequences. Almost everyone want to make more than they earn in their 9to5 jobs and most of them think easy way to go is “making money online opportunities”.
If you really want to make something bigger then the best choice is affiliate marketing(selling other people stuff and getting commission ). The affiliate marketing seems simple from outside , it looks like two step process “advertise and sell” but unfortunately the process isn’t that simple , otherwise everybody in this world had become a millionaire by now . So there must be something fishy going around this AM . But the things that will decide whether you are going to make money or loose what you have depends on proper guidance and decisions you take. Affiliate marketing is not something you do a google search ,read it and woo!!! start making millions . What you really need is proper guidance and consistency . You may face difficulties in starting it , you may even loose some money. So if you encounter ads like “ single moms making money” or “make million in next 5 minute” then beware you may be loosing money instead of making any ,but that doesn’t mean everything online is scam. There are systems that work but the problem is you have to find the system that works for you. Online world is not very much different from offline world ,you will find crooks ,scammers , cool people . So here are some simple steps to start making money .

1. Get proper guidance .
2. If you want to earn big bucks then open your wallet
3. Don’t get blinded by every opportunity .Find what works for you .
4. Start with small budget and then start scaling .

Remember if 1000 people are losing money due to recession then there is 1 making money from it .

Free tool to build list


Here's a new great list building free tool

Here's the description and features given on website----------

Here's all you do...

  • Create a short ad that promotes your newsletter or ezine

  • Add some code to the pages of your website

  • ... sit back and watch your list grow.

ListHero helps you generate 1,000's of highly targeted subscribers for free and pays you generous affiliate commissions as your list grows.

And here's a little video showcasing its features :

ListHero Is The Fastest, Easiest, Simplest

Way To Build Your List For Free...

Adsvert ads - Free Laser targeted text ads !!!!!!!!!


I find advert ads to be extremely powerful and their idea is quite innovative. It is quite similar to adwords/adsense , you may call it adwords with twist. You get 2500 free impressions just by signing up with website and you earn page impressions and clicks after you put static website code in your website so you earn page impression after someone visited your website and clicks if someone clicks on ads. And you can assign these page impression or clicks for your own ad. As you can see in the screenshot it has three description lines with 21 characters limit and format is quite similar to adwords .

And for targetting it provides options like interest channel which has wide categories covering every aspect like online business , internet humor etc.

and geographic regions where you can target a region or specific country.

These two options ensure traffic to be laser targeted. It also provides advanced options like using colour or bolding text to increase CTR(clickthroughrate) . The only thing I didn't like about it is they don't provide option to change background color of ads displayed. So what are you waiting for , get your free laser targeted traffic .

Click on banner to join this free program

How Survey websites works?


You always come across conclusions like "60% women prefer guys with this/that ? . How do you think such conclusions are made. People like you fill up the surveys and then results are calculated and conclusion is drawn. Some surveys are basics and some are specific like "what features people want in credit card" Now this may not look much valuable to you but think about the credit card companies .This little conclusion can make them million of dollars .

Now you must have got an idea why these companies pay hundreds of dollars just for filing surveys. They may be earning million of dollars while spending thousand dollars in surveys . But I always find difficulty in finding legitimate survey websites as many just make you fill up surveys and never pays you .There work is done as you filled the surveys but anyways surveys is one of the best way to make money online but the amount of money also varies from country to country for example company located in U.S.A may not be interested in what people in canada think about their product.

Actually companies are paying you much less than your filling of survey deserves.

Brand institute - Healthcare surveys


Brand institute

You can earn cash by completing surveys mainly relating to medicines etc .You can either be registered as consumer or expert . I think you will receive more surveys if you get registered as expert ,but I am not sure as I registered as consumer .They have option of paying through paypal . But they don't have any referral system .

click on the link to join the program

How "get paid to" industry works ?


You must be thinking why somebody will pay you to click and how these get paid to read emails website owners makes money . There is nothing much complex , it works the same way the other advertising methods work . If you have gone through get paid to read email then you must have seen that most of the websites shown to you are promoting digital products like webhosting , ebook , home business opportunity etc . When you click on the link and when you have been taken to the website there is certain time limit like 15 seconds . The time limit is to make sure the visitor really see the advertiser page and not just casually clicking . Also due to abusing of gpt system by some people they have some security system to make sure that bot is not surfing the page .

The advertiser pays to gpt website owner for example say 300$ and 1 cent will be paid to the member if they click on their link,somewhat similar to adwords(don't worry if you don't know about adwords ).

Now you know how the system work you can tell yourself that if you try to cheat the system you may either get banned and also future of gpt industry will also darken . I know you must be thinking clicking on ads is extremely simple and why would anybody try to cheat but you will be surprised that some people not ready to work even this much (clicking ads). They are very quick in deleting the users who try to cheat ,so don't abuse the system.

How to backup your blog comments and posts


Sometimes when busy in blogging , seo optimization and other stuff we forget to do the most basic and most important thing backup , the most basic thing which should be at high priority when doing anything on this plastic box(PC). So pro bloggers must be already doing it (If not then please don’t call yourself pro blogger ) . So here I come up with the basic tutorial to backup your posts ,comments etc. 

OK now the tutorial ----

First go to “setting tab”and then to “basic sub tab” . Now in “Blog Tools” you have choice to export blog or import or permanently delete it (You may want to delete it if you are blogging too much and broke up with your girlfriend or boyfriend because of it , Damm #@%@// blogging)

Just press export blog to take backup and relax .

How to loose everything online ?


Hmm , looks ironic when the whole world is facing recession and everybody want to make money online why anybody want to loose everything online . But I want to give the warning all the methods mentioned here will work and you will literally loose everything online , so don’t take them seriously and have fun with life .And I am not responsible for anything you do with this . I want to tell you again take it as a joke and don’t make joke of yourself . Ok now lets talk about the methods through which you can reach your ultimate goal “To loose everything online “(this doesn’t include your girlfriend/boyfriend ,husband/wife etc . In today’s world where love is in the air in excess ,you will automatically loose them without any effort , so we will concentrate on loosing non-living things. Ready to get ripped off!!!!!!!!!!

SUPER TIP: If you just reverse the methods (don’t reverse every method use your own common sense) you may learn a lot.

• The first thing you should do , starts from your credit card .Try to get your hand on credit card which has very high interest rate and other hidden fees . Please check that there are enough hidden fees . Just make sure they will completely rip you off.
Just think about those million happy people around the world who are in debt because of this little card . Now you have to make sure that you also become one of them. You should target about 30% ,that means you have to make sure that you will loose at least 30% of your finances.

Offline Super Tip: Although I want to include only online method but I want to include my favorite offline method .For this you have to look for Gold diggers (Definition: They are creatures male/female found on planet earth who look for only bank balance of their partners ,most of them are very handsome man or beautiful and sexy women .Now a days they are found in plenty) . Just become their boyfriend or girlfriend .Rest will happen automatically . You will loose about 60% of you finance because they are programmed to leave their partner after that .

• Ok this one include paypal .Hope you have heard about this service ,they are like “online bank” .Your money transactions will be through email .For example you can send somebody 100$ online though email.
Ok now about the method .I call it “super wise method” (you will understand soon why such fancy name ) . For this you have to become most wise person in world . What you have to do is declare online that you are giving away money free (you can use various advertising methods for ths) . Also another best way is to hold a contest asking questions like “ Who is Paris Hilton ?”(I know this one is tough question but you can ask simple questions ) and give them 1000$ as prize no matter what they answer . You can collect their email addresses for this ( But don’t spam) .

• Now our third method includes most famous service EBAY . You can easily find things which cost 1000$ dollars but are worth 10$ .You want to grab them before anybody else grab them ( always keep in mind you are there to loose everything.)

• Now another method which I want I want to tell also includes ebay . One thing we forget to loose is house and furniture ,what’s the better place to loose them than ebay . Sell your house and furniture for about 100$ (you can’t give them for free as people may think it’s a scam ,you don’t want to loose customers who will help you to rip off.)

• I know what you guys are thinking “hey you forget to tell the most famous method to loose everything “THE BIG G” “Gambling” .Ok first of all I know online gambling is best way to loose everything But in many countries it is illegal and we don’t want to do anything illegal . So check your country laws before trying this method.

• I have already told you about the gold digger method .But the good news is that, there are online gold diggers too . So, just find them and let them rip you completely.

• Another method to loose money online is to buy digital products(ebooks video training etc) . There are lot of rubbish digital products online . So find them and buy them .Don’t worry about hard disk space even if you have 40gb hard drive what you have to do is just delete them after you have buy them and forget everything about it .

• Now here’s a little technical method , for this you will use adsense and other ppc (paid per click ) advertising . First you have to build a website ,don’t worry just hire the most expensive webmaster and let him do his work . Now use adsense and bid for highest amount i.e the amount you will pay if user click on your ad . Believe me this is very effective method . If you are not much technical them hire someone and promise them to give your house in return.

• Do you know you can even bid your job on ebay .This method strikes me after I heard about a Australian who has put his house ,bike ,friends ,job on ebay. But you should consult your lawyer and your boss before trying it .

• And by the way you can also loose a lot of money just emailing your friends (remember paypal) .Use paypal to email your friends your money for no reason.

I hope if you use the methods seriously then you will rip you completely in no time .

And at end “ don’t take it seriously” (sorry for repeating this again and again ,but there are people in this world who may take it seriously)

Subdomain beating domain in 180 million results


Subdomain makes you loose some credibility but does blogspot subdomain loose your credibility. Strangely it helps you gain some credibilty(yeah it does ,I hope some seo are grinning at this point) Especially if you have blog about personal blogs ,freebies ,free way to make money etc, I prefer you go for blogger account and there is no need to buy domain .Ofcourse everybody can afford 9$ for domain (my visitors are accessing internet and I am pretty sure your internet connection bill per month is more expensive than 9$ domain per year).If you are sharing
your personal views ,free ways to make money online(if we are talking about free why even 9$ investment) etc it doesn't hurt your credibility ,instead it helps to increase your credibility .
Even with your blogspot subdomain you will get entry in search engine and there are many other benefits as google love its products(and that includes blogger too) .

Ok sticking to my topic
I will talk about credibility war between subdomain and domain. If you ask any seo the first thing they will ask you to do is "go get a domain" , but for the sake of at this article I will say "I won't" . It doesn't mean having domain loses your credibility it do helps specially if are thinking of affiliate marketing and want to sell any product.

Ok lets talk about live example and take the keyword "make money online" as you have already guessed it is very common term and its almost impossible to compete with it .At the time of writing this article make money online comes up with
180 million search results (aaaaaaaaaggghhh ) .

Now ask some seo guru is it possible to compete with subdomain ,there will be answers like"are you insane"Go out and learn "what is internet " ,"kid do you even know the definition of SEO" "Are you relative of Paris Hilton?"

Now when I have done the search for "make money online" keyword the first result that come up is a subdomin beating domain .Next one is also subdomain .

Now can't the owner of blog afford the domain ,I seriously doubt that? .Now ask SEO guru's they will say" "See i already know that but the thing is,
in seo x+y =z ,5+6 =90 blah blah blah ..........

So why and how so many people (bloggers websites owners) are linking to this subdoamain blog and even paying to advertise in subdomain blog hope you got my point . But another thing I want to add up is most the things I said hold true for blogger as blogspot subdomain has build quite a credibility and of course it has hands of prof google behind it (please clean thinking,we are here talking about seo ) .

Conclusion there is still no "SEO expert" , "SEO GURU" known to mankind ,we all are still learning .It is more mystifying and more difficult to understand than understanding "why Britney really shaved her head?(i know its old news but question is still new)

WARNING:I didn't try to teach you some magic formula .What I want to convey is you can go against the flow of river and still make a fortune . There are no set of rules in SEO .
EVERYBODY JUST GUESSING............................

Instant Buzz - Get laser targeted traffic free


Instant Buzz - What it can do for you and what it can't.....

Instant Buzz is a tool very common among the internet marketers or affiliates .Instant buzz can do wonders specially if you are an affiliate.

Ok first a little info about Instant Buzz who are new to it .

Click here to get Free Targeted Website Traffic

Instant Buzz is basically a toolbar available for firefox and internet explorer which display ads and you earn points by surfing the internet which I guess everybody who open web bowser do. So basically you do nothing but surf the internet which you usually do to earn instant buzz bar points.

There are basically 3 type of ads available .

Instant Buzz Bar Ads : Which are displayed at the toolbar .You earn bar ads points just by surfing .Bar ads are most common type in Instant buzz.

Instant Buzz Hyperspace ads: just put the code given to you by the Instant Buzz and you earn points when user visit your website or sign up.

Instant Buzz Mailspace ads: This is quite innovative .You just configure your email client with it and earn points .So when you send email it will display the ad of other instant buzz member and you earn point for it .

Don't worry about power pack and ad pack if the service really works for , you can buy them . Right now you should unleash the power this free tool.

Also don't get confused about points, mailspace points and bar ads points are two different things ,which means if you get mailspace points then you can spend those points on mailspace ads only.

TIP 1: Try to make your bad ad as attractive as you can .You got few characters and just one line so make it as attractive as you can .

TIP 2:Instant buzz can work for different sort of websites but what niche is most successful is digital products . So if you are affiliate then this may be your goldmine.

Also if you are new to it then try bad ads as it is extremely easy to earn them . They also have different levels membership so if it works for you you can go for higher level membership .

Click on the banner to go to Instant Buzz and download this super powerful free tool.

Click here to get Free Targeted Website Traffic

Hotspex - Do some charity by taking surveys online


Hotspex is one of my favorite survey website . You earn bux as you complete surveys . They have plenty of surveys most of the time .You can exchanges your bux for prizes or for jackpot .And the best and innovative thing about it is you can do charity directly through your account in the form of bux (hotspex currency) you earn .
But they do not have any referral system.

click here to join hotspex

5 common mistakes in article writing


1. Never include any website link in your article .This mistake is mostly done by newbies . Most of the article directories have policies against including links and your article will be rejected if you ignore it . In worse case if you repeat the mistake they may ban you.

2.Grammatical mistakes : we all are human beings and human beings are best known for doing mistakes again and again .But doing spelling mistakes or grammatical mistakes in your article can give a very bad impression on user. They will at least understand you are not an expert in topic and people love to take advice from expert(even if expert know nothing)

3Trying too hard to be pro: Some people try to use ultra extra difficult English words to impress readers .Mind it it can backfire . The readers you are targeting are from all around the world .And many of them may have difficulty with understanding your professional level of English ,and of course English is not the mother tongue of every country in the world.

4. Beating around the bush : try to write articles in which you have interest .Readers can easily tell whether the article is genuine or not . Or simply just repeating one thing again and again.

5. Article length : Bigger is better(don’t think about anything else than topic) most of the time this myth is wrong in every situation but here we are talking about article. You don’t want to make your articles so long that it becomes ebook because people read with mentality that “it will take only 5 minutes to read” so when they saw article too long they use excuses like I will read it later(unfortunately this “later” never comes) or “its too long to read” but nowadays many articles have strict limit to length of article , so its better to check how long your article can be .

Top 5 article directories


If you know seo stuff or have tried to get the targeted traffic for your website then you have already realized the power of article (if not realize it soon ) . A cleverly and informative article can make people trust you and you will get healthy disease free targeted traffic to your website . There are thousand of directories online but I would like to mention my top 5 favorite

1.Ezine articles : If you are regular internet user( chat , online breakup ,google and sleep) then the simple way to describe ezine articles is this has the respect in article directories what google has in search engine and yahoo messenger has in chat messenger.

2.Ideamarketers : This one also has some interesting features like ebook promotion .So also check out its other interesting features .

3.Article alley : Another famous article directory

4.Article factory : Last but not the least

5.Article geek : Another favorite of mine

Beware of zombie referrals


First of all a brief introduction to referral Referral are basically people who signed under your referral link . You get 10 % when your referral click links read emails etc . Don’t worry they not gonna cut 10% of referral income the money is paid from their own fund . Its like a win win situation both sides are benefited .

But one thing that I want you guys to be aware of is “beware of zombie referrals”. Now what the hell is this term zombie referral . Is I am referring to zombies signed under your referral link . No it refers to people or your referrals who signed under you and then forget to do any work . I have already mentioned about this kind of people in my previous article . For example I have about hundred’s of referrals who just registered and then never came back to website (I couldn’t believe there are people who are not even ready to work ½ daily to earn some extra money ) .

And now the reason why they can be deadly to your earning .For example you signed up a program you get 200 referrals but out of 200 only 2 are working and the program has condition like “to withdraw your income you must have 30% active downline” i.e you need around 30% of referrals who are working . The situation can also get really irritating for yourself when all what your referrals are doing is sign up and then forget . So next time you are asking your cousin to sign up ask them are really going to work .

So my humble request to all people in this world who want to make any money online is “you have to do some effort , just think about if a person can’t work daily for ½ an hour even when he is offered money for doing extremely simple task ,how much chances are there that they can be successful financially in their real life .

Now the real thing sorry if it looks harsh “ If you couldn’t able to make even 1000$ from the websites I mentioned in my blog then please forget about making money online and just remain busy in your boring 9 to 5 job .

Get paid to vs Affiliate marketing


If you have gone through this GPT (get paid to) stuff then chances are high you have come across term affiliate . Just to make things clear I am putting down key differences and similarity between GPT and affiliate marketing . For those who don’t know what s this affiliate marketing is ? – Affiliate marketing in laymen words means selling someone product online and getting commission in return , you maybe start comparing it with offline world businesses .Yes it is same but things work differently online .Ok now lets discus differences between GPT and affiliate marketing .

1. Both of them need initial work after sometime your workload decreases gradually for example in case of GPT you may want more referrals to increase your online stream of money similar in case of affiliate you have to work on SEO and other stuff.

2. In case of GPT your returns are mostly in thousands( I earn around 4000-5000$ per month from GPT ) . In case of affiliate marketing the returns can be huge .

3. In case of GPT the investment is zero dollar . But in case of Affiliate marketing first of all investment is quite necessary otherwise I doubt you will hardy make any sale . Investment can range from few hundreds to thousands depending upon the product you are promoting and other stuff.

4. In GPT even if you are completely new to this stuff you can just go through beginners section and start earning almost instantly but in case of affiliate things are not so easy you will not start earning instantly , it takes time for getting money from affiliate marketing.

5. In GPT you can’t loose money for example even if a program turns out to be spam there is no loss of money but in case of affiliate marketing you can loose
money for example investment in advertisement that doesn’t bring any sale.

6. In GPT basically the skills required are a little bit of internet knowledge but in case of affiliate you have to be good at several things like Seo , adsense etc

7. There is no competition in case of GPT even if you don’t get referrals you can still make money but in case of affiliate marketing get ready to face some serious
competition , affiliate struggling for same keyword , promoting same product etc .

8. GPT basically require the work of less than 1 hour daily but in case of affiliate marketing your time investment will judge how much you get .

Top 10 niche for blogging


If you are planning to start a new blog then chances are you are struggling with the niche you should go for . Here I tried to present the top 10 hot niche in blogging world .

1. Making money online : This remains a hot topic and niche in blogging world .The reason is quite obvious . Making money online is one of the hottest buzz online .Everybody want to make money online for different reasons some want to get rid of their boss, some for financial freedom etc

2. Blogging tips : A few years back the main reason people go online is chat with their online boyfriend /girlfriend and visit to some websites . But now with popularity of blogging everybody wants to share his/her views with whole world . Blogging has become big power online . Bloggers now can create a virtual storm online .

3. Celebrity news : Who’s Britney new boyfriend , what Brad Pitt like to eat . This may looks stupid to some people but the truth is people do care about these things and celebrity stupidity always remained hot topic among bloggers .

4. Search engine optimization : Search engine optimization always remain a favorite topic among webmasters . Just think about if your website scored high for a term which has 3000 search daily ,how much targeted traffic you will get .

5. Traffic generation : Whether you have blog or website the top priority after setting up blog or website is to get quality traffic . Seo is not the only way to get quality traffic .

6. Weight loss : Obesity has become a serious problem worldwide .Ask anyone in your society most of them have a similar goal in their life “losing extra pound”

7. Technology news : Today almost everyone is tech oriented , what’s new gadget in the market ,what are its new features , what phone should I buy etc .Tech news also remain hot topic among bloggers.

8. Pets : Pet care also remain a topic . Also pet care industry is becoming big day by day.

9. Finance : Loans schemes , insurance policy etc are also quite popular niche in blogging world .

10. Gaming blog : A few years back your mom may be yelling at you “ do your home work ,these games aren’t going to give you any money, concentrate on your career” .But today the things have changed . Many people have quit their 9 to 5 job and start working virtually in second life . There have been competitions around the world involving millions dollars. Don’t get surprised if the budget of new game surpasses budget of Hollywood movies .

I know there may be millions of other topics which are hot online . The best tip I can give you is find the niche for which you are passionate about and go for it .

Slamx : Making money online in Second Life


Another website that offer ways to earn money in second life . Another way to earn free Linden dollars .They also offer many ways to earn such referral program ,signing up etc.
They also act as virtual bank .

Click here to join slamx

MetaRL: Making money in second life


Metarl not only provide the linden dollars but they also provide currency for other virtual worlds such as imvu etc.

In metarl you earn points by doing different tasks like

  • participating in surveys
  • participating in contest
  • playing games
  • tweaking your myspace code
  • etc
It is one of the best place to start earning in second life . So what are you waiting for

click here to join metarl

Brief intro to making money in Second Life


The first question that may come to your mind will be what is second life ? Although I doubt it because if you are checking this section then chances are pretty high you already know what the second life is . But you know my website is about making money online so there must be some serious reason for it to be featured in my website.

But I thought I should provide a brief tutorial about making money in second life anyway

Some call second life a game , some call it mmorpg and there are so many definitions floating around. But in general the second life is a virtual world where people from all around the world interact with each other .If you are already familiar with 3d chat environment then you must be thinking its the same as imvu ,there (other 3d chat environments) .Then you are completely wrong second life is much more than that . Its a whole world where the transaction takes place in linden dollars (in world currency of second life) .

Now the big thing!!!! these linden dollars can be converted to offline world dollars and vice versa . So in short we are dealing with real money in this second life.
The discussion of second life can be quite big I can put the whole blog dedicated to it but I prefer sticking to my niche "making money online" so a brief intro to making money online in second life

In second life there are literally quite hundreds of ways to make money ,you can work as builder , or try your luck in fashion etc.

But for newbie the most common way is through camping . In this the other residents of second life will pay you to remain in their place most of the time "doing nothing" . Although the payment is quite low for example 6 Linden dollars per hour .

The other way for newbies will be participating in surveys and other stuff which I think is thousand time more interesting than camping and also payment is quite higher .It can be thousands linden dollars depending on survey .

Bang the Links


Bang the Links


Minimum payout : 0.50$for paypal, no minimum payout for e-gold
Upgrade option: available
Ways to earn : paid to read emails ,paid to click,paid to promote, paid to signup ,manual surf, paid to click contest games to earn

Bang the Links


Minimum payout : 0.50$for paypal, no minimum payout for e-gold
Upgrade option: available
Ways to earn : paid to read emails ,paid to click,paid to promote, paid to signup ,manual surf, paid to click contest games to earn